Prayer of the Faithful
Prayer of the Faithful content may be used in whole or in part as part of the liturgy at any church, but they may not be copied and republished online without prior written permission.
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time For our Church,for a commitment to the integrity and struggles of the gospel.For creativity, courage and patience in changing times.We
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time May our church be a witness to mercy and forgiveness,truth and freedom,peace and justice for all.We pray to the Lord.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time For our Church,for courage to proclaim the gospel of love in the midst of insult and hatred.We pray to the
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time For our Church,May we boldly proclaim the good news in new ways, in new places,reaching out to all who need
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Light of Christ,Illumine your Church,May we become a beacon for justice and a haven for the oppressed.We pray
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time For the Church,may we have courage toproclaim glad tidings to our poor,liberty to the captivesand let the oppressed go free.We
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time For the Church,For a spirit of unity as we rejoice in our blessed diversity.We pray to the Lord. For the
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord As servants of the Lord,may the Church be a light for the nationsand a people of comfort and
Solemnity of Epiphany
Solemnity of Epiphany Emmanuel, God with us,embolden your Church to proclaim your lightto all trapped in despair and the darkness of sin.We pray to the
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God May our Church be voice of hope for the voiceless,A place of acceptance for the outcast,A people of mercy