Prayer of the Faithful for Fourth Sunday of Advent (Cycle B)
Come O Wisdom,
Guide your Church.
Help us to be open to the grace of challenges and change.
We pray to the Lord.
Come O Lord of Might,
Break the chains of addiction, oppression and war
End our stubborn attachment to violence, power and control.
We pray to the Lord.
Come O Rod of Jesse
Turn hated to love; bitterness to joy, despair to hope.
We pray to the Lord.
Come O Key of David,
Unlock hearts burdened by grief,
Weighed down by sin,
Shackled by animosity and anger.
We pray to the Lord.
Come O Radiant Dawn,
Enlighten minds to a newness of life,
And dispel the darkness of depression and sadness.
We pray to the Lord.
Come O Desire of Nations,
Renew in our world a passion for your Reign,
Bind in one the hearts of humankind
And bid our sad divisions cease.
We pray to the Lord.
Come Emmanuel,
Draw near to
And all who rest in death.
Lead them to your heavenly home.
We pray to the Lord.
Prayer of the Faithful content may be used in whole or in part as part of the liturgy at any church, but they may not be copied and published online without prior written permission.