CLEF Life Resources

The Nativity of the Lord

Prayer of the Faithful for The Nativity of the Lord (Cycle B)

Word of God,
Dwell in us, teach us, guide us.
Forever may your Church proclaim
your Reign over all the earth.
We pray to the Lord.

You who are grace and truth,
Permeate the world with justice.
May all nations be filled with your righteousness.
We pray to the Lord.

True light,
Shine upon our sisters and brothers who live
in darkness, pain, anxiety or despair.
We pray to the Lord.

Prince of Peace,
Bring peace to our world.
End war, poverty and all manner of hatred.
Triumph over all that divided us.
This day we are mindful of our sisters and brothers
in Ukraine, the Holy Land and places where terror abides.
We pray to the Lord.

Holy Comforter,
Restore hope to the unemployed,
our poor, lonely and forgotten.
We pray to the Lord.

Son of God,
Bring reconciliation and joy to our wounded world.
Strengthen the bonds which unite all humanity
and open our hearts to delight in
the blessings you have poured forth.
We pray to the Lord.

Wonder Counselor,
Renew in us the true meaning of Christmas,
That your presence among us may illumine our path,
Ignite a fire of love and forgiveness,
And inspire our commitment to care for each other,
especially our most vulnerable sisters and brothers.
We pray to the Lord.

Heavenly Light,
Shine your glory on (insert names)
And all who have died.
May they sing with the angels their Christmas song of joy.
We pray to the Lord.

Prayer of the Faithful content may be used in whole or in part as part of the liturgy at any church, but they may not be copied and published online without prior written permission.

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