CLEF Life Resources

Solemnity of Epiphany

Solemnity of Epiphany

Emmanuel, God with us,
embolden your Church to proclaim your light
to all trapped in despair and the darkness of sin.
We pray to the Lord.

Sun of Justice,
radiate your justice on the nations,
squelch discord, banish poverty and economic disparity.
We pray to the Lord.

Prince of Peace,
Bring harmony to our world
that is rent asunder by war, terrorism and division.
For peace with justice.
We pray to the Lord.

Christ our Light,
Enlighten all who prefer hatred to love,
Uniformity to unity
And dominance to equality.
We pray to the Lord.

Morning Star,
enlighten all enslaved by addictions or doubt,
calm those anxious in mind or depressed in spirit.
Bring hope to the sick and send comfort to the dying.
We pray to the Lord.

Splendor of the Father,
Illumine hardened hearts.
Dispel prejudice. Abolish bigotry. End discrimination.
Teach us to value one another as sisters and brothers.
We pray to the Lord.

Refulgence of Glory,
Guide us to seek truth in the darkness of hypocrisy,
Forgiveness, in the face of cruelty,
Compassion and grace in place of bitterness and callousness.
We pray to the Lord.

Brightness of everlasting light,
lead the dead to their eternal home.
We remember (Insert Names)
May they join with the angels in their Christmas song of joy.
We pray to the Lord.

Prayer of the Faithful content may be used in whole or in part as part of the liturgy at any church, but they may not be copied and published online without prior written permission.

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