CLEF Life Resources

Fourth Sunday of Lent – Cycle A

Prayer of the Faithful for the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Cycle A)

Light of the World,
Renew your Church.
By our example, may your holy people lead others to the gospel.
We pray to the Lord.

Radiance of Truth,
Open the eyes of leaders in this world.
May they see clearly the path that leads to justice.
We pray to the Lord.

Fire of love,
Guide the lost, the broken hearted,
those who struggle with mental health, or addictions.
We pray to the Lord.

Light of Lights,
May the darkness of poverty, discord and bigotry
Yield to your light of righteousness and love,
We pray to the Lord.

Radiant God, draw near to our Elect and candidates,
And all who hear the summons of the Holy Spirit.
May they respond with openness and humility.
We pray to the Lord.

Light for our journey,
Illuminate the places of our hearts where darkness still resides,
And transform us, mold us, shape us,
Create in us generous hearts.
We pray to the Lord.

Eternal sun,
We pray for all who have died,
For (insert names).
May they rejoice forever in the new and eternal Jerusalem.
We pray to the Lord.

Prayer of the Faithful content may be used in whole or in part as part of the liturgy at any church, but they may not be copied and published online without prior written permission.

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