CLEF Life Resources

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Majestic one,
May your Church revel in the joy of your grace, mercy
And the freedom of all the children of God,
We pray to the Lord.

Risen Lord,
Banish the darkness of sin,
dispel wickedness, drive out hatred,
dismiss all that binds your people to despair or division,
We pray to the Lord.

Son of Justice,
Fill the earth with your reign,
That truth, justice and acceptance may guide our daily paths.
We pray to the Lord.

Hope of the world,
Soften hardened hearts, heal wounded bodies,
cleanse guilt-ridden souls.
Calm our fears and anxiety.
Renew the us in your generous goodness.
We pray to the Lord.

Morning Star,
Enlighten our minds and guide our steps.
Show us wisdom
That our lives may give witness to your love for all.
We pray to the Lord.

Prince of Peace,
Draw near to our sisters and brothers in Ukraine, the Holy Land
And all places of conflict and division.
May war be conquered by peace.
May famine may give way to abundance,
May greed be transformed by graciousness
We pray to the Lord.

Radiant Light
Shine on our poor, our refugees,
our sisters and brothers who face bigotry, discrimination or oppression.
May all people live in dignity and respect.
We pray to the Lord.

God of the living and the dead
May (Insert names)
(and) all who sleep in Christ,
sing with all the angels in their Easter song of praise,
we pray to the Lord.

Prayer of the Faithful content may be used in whole or in part as part of the liturgy at any church, but they may not be copied and published online without prior written permission.

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