Prayer of the Faithful for the Third Sunday of Lent (Cycle A)
For our Church, renewed in living waters,
We pray to the Lord.
For our world,
Healed from greed, selfishness, prejudice
And the feeble quest for power and control.
We pray to the Lord.
For our sisters and brothers
who this day know more pain than promise,
More despair than hope,
More sadness than joy,
We pray to the Lord.
For all who hunger and thirst
For food,
For clean water,
For righteousness,
For justice
For peace.
We pray to the Lord.
For our Elect and candidates for the Easter Sacraments,
For their journeys with the Lord,
and a Spirit of accompaniment with us,
We pray to the Lord.
For a renewal of our discipleship
and the courage to testify to all the good God has done for us,
We pray to the Lord.
For all who have died, (insert names)
We pray to the Lord.
Prayer of the Faithful content may be used in whole or in part as part of the liturgy at any church, but they may not be copied and published online without prior written permission.