CLEF Life Resources

Third Sunday of Easter

Third Sunday of Easter

Redeemer of the World, enflame your Church with the fire of your truth
that we may give witness to your resurrection
every day and in every place.
We pray to the Lord

Gentle Shepherd,
Send forth the power of your peace.
Let justice overflow upon our poor and imprisoned.
May enemies gather around the table of fellowship.
We pray to the Lord.

God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
Remove ignorance and blindness from your world.
Guide us to embrace your law of love.
We pray to the Lord.

Loving Father,
In prayer we bring to you our joys and our burdens.
Be with us as we celebrate,
and draw near to all who struggle to find happiness this day,
We pray to the Lord.

Compassionate one,
We remember those who are unemployed and underemployed.
We are mindful of refugees, immigrants and all who are strangers in a strange land.
We pray to the Lord.

Consolation of the Sick
We pray for all who live with illness, pain, anxiety or depression,
Ease their afflictions and lighten their load.
We pray to the Lord.

Risen Lord,
[We raise up to you our children
who this weekend join with us at your Eucharistic banquet for the first time.]
May our sharing in the bread of life
teach us to live together in harmony.
We pray to the Lord.

Eternal Lord,
We remember (Insert Names)
And all who have died. May they live in company with all the saints.
We pray to the Lord.

Prayer of the Faithful content may be used in whole or in part as part of the liturgy at any church, but they may not be copied and published online without prior written permission.

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