On-Site Support Team

Behind every successful operation, there are the people who make it happen. At CLEF, we are lucky to have a dedicated team that knows all the ins and outs of running a program like ours. With decades of combined experience, they arrive from all over the country a day before the CLEF Summer Program begins, prepare rooms for ensemble classes and private coaching sessions, and are ready to help with check-in, greeting attendees, and any and all questions you have during the week. Welcome!

Mary Lou Cantrell

Summer Program Coordinator, Chief Cat Herder, CLEF Director

Mary Lou is our fearless leader who keeps us going, keeps us organized, and keeps us smiling.

Todd Dockrill

Sound Tech

Todd brings the audio equipment and makes us all sound wonderful throughout the week. Have questions about sound equipment? Todd is the one to ask.

Cathy Farina

Chief Minion

Cathy is Mary Lou’s right hand ‘Gal Friday’ and is the coordinator of all CLEF Family Socials.

Ann Von Hagel

General Factotum

Ann is our on-site administrative support person. Her office will be “CLEF central” for the week – check in on arrival and stop in anytime for information, lost and found, office and other supplies, printing support, etc.

Peter Maher

Institutional Memory, CLEF Director

If it has happened before, Peter knows it (and remembers it)! Peter is wherever needed, whenever needed. The man doesn’t sleep for a week – Peter lives on coffee and can be bribed with a Starbucks Venti!

Linda Wesley

Marketing Maven, CLEF Director

You’ll see Linda with camera in hand capturing the smiles, songs, and special moments on photo and video all week. If she drops into your session, sit up straight and smile for the camera!

Additional team members who make this week possible include:

  • Jeanne Dumond creates the beautiful door signs that make sure our participants can find the correct room.
  • John Kennedy is our official photographer and videographer for the week.
  • Ruth Petrunak organizes the silent auction fundraiser during the week and helps Mary Dumm with all things art and environment to create meaningful spaces for worship and reflection.
  • Bryan Warren helps with organizing and promoting our merch space, where faculty members and participants can offer CDs, printed materials, artwork, sound equipment, instruments, and other items for sale during the week.

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