Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
God of the voiceless, may your Church speak boldly,
Proclaiming justice that all might be free.
We pray to the Lord.
God of Life,
May all people have a respect for all life,
of all ages, all races, all orientations,
speaking all languages in every place,
from womb to natural death.
We pray to the Lord.
God of liberty,
Shed thy grace upon us, and mend our every flaw.
We pray to the Lord.
God of freedom,
Open our eyes to see where your people still live in chains
of body, mind or opportunity
And give us strength and courage to remove whatever binds them.
We pray to the Lord.
God of truth
shatter any hardness of heart,
complacency or stubbornness.
For ears open to the prophets in our midst.
We pray to the Lord.
God of bounty
We thank you for all the gifts you give to our country.
May we respond to your blessings
by living in sisterhood and brotherhood with each other.
We pray to the Lord.
God of our ancestors,
May (Insert Names)
And all the dead now live in your presence for ever.
We pray to the Lord.
Prayer of the Faithful content may be used in whole or in part as part of the liturgy at any church, but they may not be copied and published online without prior written permission.