CLEF Life Resources

First Sunday of Advent

Prayer of the Faithful for First Sunday of Advent (Cycle B)

O Emmanuel,
Be near to your Church 
and guide all who wander to places of hope and healing. 
We pray to the Lord.

Bring wisdom and compassion to world leaders.
May they govern with empathy and concern for our poor,
We pray to the Lord.

Destroy the sins that divide humanity:
Prejudice and hatred,
and remove stubborn selfishness and self centeredness. 
We pray to the Lord.

Soften hearts hardened by bitterness and anger, 
heal minds tainted by fear. 
We pray to the Lord.

In power, come Lord God,
Protect those who live in violent homes,
Defend all who cry for justice
End the outrage of war and poverty.
We pray to the Lord.

Mold us again, O Master potter,
Shape us into images of your love for the people.
We pray to the Lord.

Hold in your arms all who now abide in the shadow of death.
We pray to the Lord.

Prayer of the Faithful content may be used in whole or in part as part of the liturgy at any church, but they may not be copied and published online without prior written permission.

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