CLEF Life Resources

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Fifth Sunday of Easter

For a church filled
with the hope, joy, freedom and the peace of the Risen Lord.
We pray to the Lord.

For a world without bitterness, war, or hatred,
We remain mindful of our sisters and brothers
in Haiti, Ukraine and the Holy Land.
We pray to the Lord.

For children who live in danger,
For teens who live in fear,
For all victims of violence of body, mind or spirit.
We pray to the Lord.

For sincerity of heart,
Integrity of conscience,
Clarity of our mission in the gospel.
We pray to the Lord.

For dreamers,
For the audacity to embrace love for all people without restriction,
We pray to the Lord.

For all who live with PTSD, depression, anxiety or addiction,
For all who struggle with illness of body, mind or spirit.
We pray to the Lord.

For a deepening of our relationship with the Lord.
For courage to remain centered in Jesus’ way of love.
We pray to the Lord.

For all who have died,
For (Insert Names),
May they sing forever the Easter song of joy.
We pray to the Lord.

Prayer of the Faithful content may be used in whole or in part as part of the liturgy at any church, but they may not be copied and published online without prior written permission.

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