Prayer of the Faithful for Feast of the Holy Family (Cycle B)
May our Church boldly proclaim the faith of our ancestors,
dwelling in new ways in our world.
We pray to the Lord.
May our nation be a community of justice, compassion and welcome,
We pray to the Lord.
May all our sisters and brothers,
Have food for their journeys,
Safety for their travels,
Warmth for their bodies and solace for their spirits.
We pray to the Lord.
May we trust in the Lord with all our hearts
And put our faith in God’s mysterious and wonderful ways
We pray to the Lord.
May families separated by jealousy, closed minds
or hard hearts,
be healed by forgiveness, mercy and understanding.
We pray to the Lord.
May the Spirit guide our young people to grow in the light of the gospel.
May the Spirit imbue our elders with gifts of wisdom and counsel.
We pray to the Lord.
May our parish family be a welcoming Catholic community,
Where the love of Jesus Christ is learned and lived,
Sung and shared.
We pray to the Lord.
May (insert names)
And all who have died,
sing with the angels their Christmas song of joy.
We pray to the Lord.
Prayer of the Faithful content may be used in whole or in part as part of the liturgy at any church, but they may not be copied and published online without prior written permission.