Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
As Church, may we boldly proclaim the inherent goodness of all people,
in all countries and communities.
We pray to the Lord.
May the mighty lift up the lowly,
May the powerful protect the weak and all in need.
We pray to the Lord.
May the hungry be filled with good things,
And may refugees find homes and healing.
We pray to the Lord.
For victims of abortion, abuse, rape and torture
For victims of human trafficking, bullying and domestic violence.
We pray to the Lord.
For all who struggle with depression, addiction or anxiety.
For all who live with autism,
fetal alcohol syndrome or Down syndrome.
We pray to the Lord.
May our belief in the resurrection of the dead,
bring comfort to all who mourn,
peace to all who struggle
And hope for all who live in the shadow of death.
We pray to the Lord.
As Mary was raised body and soul to heaven,
May (Insert names)
and all who have died,
also share in the company of the saints.
We pray to the Lord.
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